Faculty members are expected to become familiar with the Academic Integrity Policy and to take the lead in discussing the meaning of academic integrity with all students. Early in their courses, they shall state clearly course requirements and expectations including examination procedures and grading rationale as they relate to the Academic Integrity Policy.

The Academic Integrity Pledge can be used by faculty as a tool to curb plagiarism and other violations for major written assignments. Faculty members recognize their responsibility to exemplify the values of academic integrity in their own conduct and to convey by example as well as precept their expectation that the Policy shall be followed in all University activities in which they have a part.

Guidelines for Academic Work and Examinations

  • Early in the course the instructor should make special efforts to explain to the class what constitutes plagiarism. Examples of acceptable and unacceptable style for acknowledging source material should be presented.
  • Faculty should relate to students specific instances where the Policy may apply in a class assignment; for example, the prohibition against cheating as applied to out of class assignments or the place for group versus individual work. Such information is especially important to students early in their academic experience as entering freshmen.
  • Prior to examinations, the instructor should do whatever possible to arrange room conditions for examinations so as to reduce temptations to violate academic integrity. Such conditions may include arranging for as widely spaced seating as possible, preferably using alternate rows, and the use of “scrambled” versions of multiple choice type tests.
  • The instructor should elect to remain in the classroom during the administration of an examination or provide for other qualified proctoring of the examination.
  • Large classes pose special problems in administration of examinations. If sufficient space is not available to allow for proper examination conditions, it may be desirable to arrange to administer the examination during the evening hours (with the consent of the class) when sufficient rooms for spreading out the class are available.

Faculty Resources

Faculty & Staff Involvement

Faculty and Staff volunteers are needed to serve on Student Conduct Panel Hearings and Academic Integrity Panel Hearings. Please complete this Interest Form to volunteer.

Training is required for all Faculty, Staff and Students.

contact Us

Office of Student Rights & Responsibilities
Physical Address:
236B Elliott University Center
507 Stirling St., Greensboro, NC 27412
Mailing Address
P.O. Box 26170, Greensboro, NC 27402
VOICE: 336-334-4640
FAX: 336-256-8653
EMAIL: [email protected]

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