In all conduct cases at the University in which a hearing is held, the practice will be consistent with the educational context and mission of the University. A conduct hearing is not a criminal or civil trial, although some conduct allegations referred by the University Police may also result in criminal charges. A finding of responsibilty will be made on the basis of whether it is more likely than not that a student violated the Code.

As a student involved in a hearing you are entitled to the following:

  1. A fair and timely hearing, including the right to challenge the composition of hearing bodies.
  2. Knowledge of the accusations and evidence.
  3. Adequate time to prepare your presentation for a hearing.
  4. Offer relevant evidence and witnesses.
  5. Representation, at your own expense, by a licensed attorney or non-attorney advocate of your
  6. The opportunity to consult with the Student Government Attorney General’s Office to prepare for a
    hearing/review and during a hearing.
  7. Receive in writing the outcome of the case.
  8. Appeal the outcome as specified in the Student Code of Conduct.
  9. To waive any of these hearing rights – A “responsible” plea represents a waiver of all hearing
    opportunities of the accused other than the appropriate appeal rights.
  10. Confidentiality in the handling of the conduct process in accordance with applicable policy and law.
  11. The right to a fair and impartial hearing, including a separate hearing upon request.

contact Us

Office of Student Rights & Responsibilities
Physical Address:
236B Elliott University Center
507 Stirling St., Greensboro, NC 27412
Mailing Address
P.O. Box 26170, Greensboro, NC 27402
VOICE: 336-334-4640
FAX: 336-256-8653
EMAIL: [email protected]

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